Our Mission

Manhattan Therapy Collective is a values-driven team of psychologists committed to the highest standard of care, multicultural psychology, and a social justice orientation to the practice of therapy. Our mission is to help people flourish through empowering, integrative, and effective mental health care. We provide therapy that cares for each person’s growth, healing, and humanity. We are psychologists passionate about good therapy and doing good.



Our Approach

We are committed to being:

Authentic. We are genuine  - we bring our personalities, strengths, and unique specialties to each session.

Attuned. We listen closely to your needs, pace, and goals for therapy and check in along the way.

Integrative. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach and creatively incorporate what works. We are well versed in therapy approaches backed by research and neurobiology in addition to relational approaches passed down by generations of practitioners. 

Multiculturally responsive. We are mindful of your multicultural identities and what that means in the world. We are equally mindful of our identities and take responsibility for what that means for our work.

Empowering. We focus on your strengths and build up by sharing knowledge about mental health. We name the impact of unjust social realities on mental health and commit to our part in being anti-oppressive allies.

Conscientious. We prioritize ongoing self-reflection, professional training, consultation, and personal care so our service comes from a place of health.



Our Vision 

We believe good therapy has the power to change lives. We believe going to therapy can catalyze flourishing and be a radical stance against disconnection, silence, cynicism, grind culture, and generational trauma or injustice. We want to nourish growth, foster healing, educate holistically, build connections, hold hope, and empower all people to be emotionally healthy and whole. We think when you experience thriving, it pours out into your relational ecosystem and future generations. We do believe therapy can change the world. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves and our work as psychologists to this bigger picture, one session at a time.